A New Amos by Jiyoun Kim Studio
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In the 1930s, Dokjeong Yun hand-pressed camellia nuts to create oil cosmetics. In 1945, Sungwhan Suh, inspired by his mother’s craft, founded Amorepacific.

He pioneered cosmetics labs in Korea and cultivated green tea fields. Amorepacific owns Amos Professional, a hair care brand.

Amos chose Jiyoun Kim Studio to reinvent its brand.

Hair color products. Photo: Jiyoun Kim Studio.


Jiyoun Kim Studio has supported clients like Miniso and LG.

Kim’s design process involves understanding users and their needs. The studio aims to ask the right questions to find the correct answers.

The team pursues positive user impressions and works hard to maintain them. They are skilled in managing resources and teams.

Shampoos. Photo: Jiyoun Kim Studio.

Let’s explore how the studio improved the brand’s user experience.

Rectangular containers are easy to store and display. Users can handle pumps with a single hand.

The new color palette is harmonious. It features burnt oranges, blush pinks, and botanical greens.

Hair curling fixer. Photo: Jiyoun Kim Studio.

The letters and numbers are bold and distinctive. A dotted texture improves grip and makes recognizing the brand through touch easy.

Amos unveiled its new branding in April 2023. In October, the company hosted events to connect with hair professionals.

Amos has increased its revenue through its ongoing efforts.

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